DAV Public School, Jasola Vihar

Plot No.3, Pocket-6, New Delhi - 110025

DAV NATIONAL ACHIEVERS Back to Achievement Page
“In the dust of defeat as well as the laurels of victory there is a glory to be found if one has done his best. “
DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL JASOLA VIHAR is proud to announce the winners of Cricket and Table Tennis achievers namely Ronit Chauhan , Daksh Rexwal and Rohan Malhotra for their extraordinary feat in Cricket and Dipali Chauhan & Aditi Singh for Table Tennis who showcased extreme talent by winning not only gold medal but also cash prize of Rs 5100 for each athletes winning DAV NATIONAL held at Panipat on 20th April. Principal sir, DR. Vinod Barthwal , Senior supervisor Ms Prachi Singh along with the cricket and Table Tennis mentors - Mr Ravi Goswami and Ms Sarika Gupta were congratulated and felicitated on stage today along with their achievers with medal and trophy during the morning assembly of 22 nd April 2024!! Congratulations
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DAV Public School, Jasola Vihar
Plot No.3, Pocket-6, NEW DELHI -110025
School Code: 25225
Affiliation Number: 2730617
Telephone No. :  011 35551969, 011 35551989
E-mail : davjasola@gmail.com

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