DAV Public School, Jasola Vihar

Plot No.3, Pocket-6, New Delhi - 110025

NCC RANK CEREMONY FOR THE SESSION 2024-25 Back to Achievement Page
We are delighted to announce that DAV Jasola Vihar has successfully organized an NCC-oriented program and rank ceremony under the guidance of Sub-Lieutenant Naresh Singh Bisht and Principal Dr. V.K. Barthwal and was witnessed by Senior Supervisor Prachi Singh.
Our esteemed guests for the day included our Commanding Officer Captain Nalin Kant Mishra, along with staff members Chief Mithilesh Kumar, GCI Shilpa Bisht, and POC Avinash Kamble.
We take pride in recognizing the following rank holders for the session 2024-25:
- Cadet Captain Ravi Shek Srivastav
- Petty Officer Cadet Anmol Gupta
- Petty Officer Cadet Yessica Sharma
- Leading Cadet Dipali Chauhan
- Leading Cadet Gaurav Thakur
A heartfelt congratulations to all the rank holders!
We extend our sincere appreciation to Commanding officer Captain Nalin Kant Mishra and the staff members for their invaluable contribution to the success of the NCC-oriented program.
Warm regards,
[DAV Jasola Vihar, NCC Unit]
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DAV Public School, Jasola Vihar
Plot No.3, Pocket-6, NEW DELHI -110025
School Code: 25225
Affiliation Number: 2730617
Telephone No. :  011 35551969, 011 35551989
E-mail : [email protected]

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