Event Start Date : 27/07/2024 Event End Date 27/07/2024
Abhivyakti: School Exhibition and PTM
Classes Pre School and Pre Primary organized an exhibition ( ABHIVYAKTI ) cum Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) . The event was inaugurated by the Principal sir ,Dr. V.K.Barthwal , who cut the ribbon, and was supervised by the Supervisor ma'am, Ms. Sumiti Saluja who guided the entire event. The children welcomed the Principal with traditional ceremonies, including putting tika.
The Pre-School wing showcased a variety of creative craftwork. Highlights included a jungle scene with beautifully crafted giraffes, children's artwork featuring clowns, sun printing, and apples. One of the standout displays was the life cycle of a butterfly, creatively illustrating the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly.
In the Pre-Primary wing, the theme was "The Land of Power and Discipline," focusing on superheroes. The displays featured popular characters like Chota Bheem, Spider-Man, Superman, and Supergirl. Each superhero was presented in engaging scenes: Supergirl fighting a monster, Spider-Man in a web created with craft materials, and Superman giving the message of positivity and good manners on a display board. The main attractions were superhero masks and craft items like pen stands and frames. Another theme was the rainy season, with displays of colorful umbrellas, paper snails, and frogs made by the children.
Children of Pre Primary also presented a captivating dance performance on the song ' Barso re megha...' welcoming the rainy season. Our little superheroes also gave brief talks on the topics like the importance of rivers , ways to save nature, healthy habits , thanking our real heroes - our community helpers. They bagged applause and appreciation from the Principal Sir and Supervisor ma'am.
Parents were invited to the exhibition and were delighted by the creative displays, leaving positive comments on the comment board. The Principal and Supervisor praised the efforts of the children, parents, and teachers, making the event a memorable and successful celebration of the students' talents and creativity.