DAV Public School, Jasola Vihar

Plot No.3, Pocket-6, New Delhi - 110025

Event Detail  
Event Start Date : 12/01/2024 Event End Date 12/01/2024

Lohri Celebration Extravaganza!

DAV Jasola Vihar celebrated Lohri festival on Jan 11 2024. As Principal Sir Dr. V. K. barthwal lighted up the golden flames of Lohri, the school thrilled with warmth and joy of this festive season with our beloved students, teachers, and staff members!
Our school grounds echoed with laughter and cheer as we celebrated Lohri with unparalleled enthusiasm and spirit. The vibrant colors, infectious energy, and cultural richness brought together the entire DAV Jasola Vihar community in a joyous celebration!

The pre-primary class celebrated Lohri online on January 12, 2024, with enthusiasm and joy. The virtual gathering featured a simulated bonfire, engaging storytelling, and interactive games, keeping the young participants actively involved. Students dressed in festive attire, creating a vibrant atmosphere. Parents' support in ensuring the availability of craft materials contributed to the success of the celebration. Despite the virtual setting, the event successfully captured the essence of Lohri, fostering a sense of cultural connection and shared joy among the pre-primary students. The online Lohri celebration exemplified adaptability and creativity in virtual learning environments.

Class - 1  
Online Class
In the delightful Class 1 Lohri activity, students were provided with a vibrant picture for coloring. Engaging in the creative task at home during online classes, the children joyfully added a burst of colors to the scene. Eager to showcase their artistic endeavors, they happily clicked pictures of their beautifully colored kites. The activity not only celebrated Lohri but also fostered a sense of artistic expression among the young learners.
Class 2 Online Activity
"Online Delight with Lohri Vibes"
Class 2 embraced the spirit of Lohri virtually, adorning themselves in vibrant Punjabi attire. The festivities included crafting Lohri hampers with popcorn cutouts, symbolizing the joyous occasion around the bonfire. Students conveyed heartfelt Lohri messages and showcased energetic dance performances, spreading the festive cheer. Despite the online setting, the jubilant atmosphere resonated as they enjoyed the celebrations with their enthusiastic teachers. The event not only upheld traditions but also brought the warmth of Lohri into the digital realm, fostering a sense of unity and joy among the young learners.
Wishing everyone a very happy lohri from class 2

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DAV Public School, Jasola Vihar
Plot No.3, Pocket-6, NEW DELHI -110025
School Code: 25225
Affiliation Number: 2730617
Telephone No. :  011 35551969, 011 35551989
E-mail : davjasola@gmail.com

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