DAV Public School, Jasola Vihar

Plot No.3, Pocket-6, New Delhi - 110025

National Talent Search Examination (NTSE)  
The National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is a National Level scholarship program in India to identify and nurture talented students. It honours and helps talented students by providing financial assistance in the form of a monthly scholarship for the entire Academic Career. Students studying in Class X are eligible to appear for the selection process. As it is organized by an official body (NCERT), it is widely regarded as the most prestigious examination at high school level in India. 
There is a two-stage selection process for award of scholarship. For Stage - I, selection will be done by States/UTs through the written examination. Each State/Union Territory has been allotted a quota to recommend a specific number of candidates for the Stage - II examination, the details of which are available on NCERT website (www.ncert.nic.in). Students who qualify Stage - I will be eligible to appear for Stage - II examination conducted by NCERT.
Click the following link for the sample papers:
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DAV Public School, Jasola Vihar
Plot No.3, Pocket-6, NEW DELHI -110025
School Code: 25225
Affiliation Number: 2730617
Telephone No. :  011 35551969, 011 35551989
E-mail : [email protected]

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