DAV Public School, Jasola Vihar

Plot No.3, Pocket-6, New Delhi - 110025

Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT)  

SAT or Scholastic Assessment Test is a test which is conducted for admitted under any undergraduate programs in various colleges of USA. SAT is developed, administered and managed by College Entrance Examination Board. Educational Testing Service (ETS) administers this test. The test is of four hours duration. SAT tests are of two types, SAT Subject Tests and SAT Reasoning Test. In SAT Reasoning test there are three sections, Critical Reading, Writing and Mathematics. SAT Subject test comprises of five general areas, Science, Mathematics, Social Science and History, English and Language. These tests are conducted to evaluate problem solving and critical thinking skills of the candidates. These tests measure their potential and ability to undertake bachelor’s program.

Kindly click the link for the sample test paper:

Sample Paper

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DAV Public School, Jasola Vihar
Plot No.3, Pocket-6, NEW DELHI -110025
School Code: 25225
Affiliation Number: 2730617
Telephone No. :  011 35551969, 011 35551989
E-mail : [email protected]

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